63rd Annual Members Juried Exhibition
Enjoy our Virtual Gallery of the artwork that will be exhibited at
Georgina Arts Centre & Gallery 149 High St., Sutton ON L0E 1R0
Welcome to the ECOAA Annual Exhibition and Sale. For over 60 years the East Central Ontario Art Association has been bringing artists of all calibers together in a supportive and creative atmosphere. Covid 19 has not slowed this group down. In person painting events have been moved online with monthly demonstrations and open studios to keep the inspiration flowing.
This exhibition marks a milestone in the history of ECOAA with a completely online digital entry and jurying. We are hopeful for a live exhibition at the Georgina Arts Centre in Sutton, Ontario but with the help of our hard working volunteers the exhibition is here online as well. As they say ‘The show must go on’.
This exhibition marks a milestone in the history of ECOAA with a completely online digital entry and jurying. We are hopeful for a live exhibition at the Georgina Arts Centre in Sutton, Ontario but with the help of our hard working volunteers the exhibition is here online as well. As they say ‘The show must go on’.
AWARD WINNERS for the 63rd Annual Members Juried Exhibition
Juror: Ewa Chwojko-Srawley, Curator, Georgina Gallery
Juror: Ewa Chwojko-Srawley, Curator, Georgina Gallery
Juror's Notes:
Juror’s Choice Award Avalanche by Pascoe Unusual treatment of the subject. At first I thought it was an abstract work, but on looking closer indeed I saw the avalanche! Originality of depicting the theme; variety of brush strokes (professional quality); also, an interesting (unusual) topic. Juror's Notes:
Lila Patton Award - Best Watercolour Sun Worshipper by Gerster element of surprise, because it is a watercolour on wood. Great technique! Confident brushwork; I like the contrast of light and shades - the light shines by shadows! It is an excellent study of light and shade. |
Juror's Notes:
Rose Baker Award - Best Water Media/Acrylic untitled What compelled me is the enigma of this painting - is it abstract? seascape? it is on the border of figurative and non-figurative. Balanced composition, with a play of light and shade. Juror's Notes:
Dora Pardon Award - Best Oil Quaker in Twilight Glow Although very small, it perfectly evokes a mood of cityscape at night with an interesting balance of light and dark spaces, created by a variety of brushstrokes (thin and thick). |
Juror's Notes:
Don Maddocks Award - Best Drawing/Pastel/Print/Other Colours of Pomegranates Beautiful texture and nicely balanced colours which makes this composition 'jump out' at the viewer. Despite the seemingly simple (static) composition, the painting is not static because of the great use of colours. |
Juror's Notes:
Gary Chapman Award - Most Innovative Thrive by S. Davis Surprising combination of painting and found objects. Very creative ideas and use of the found objects! There is a whimsical feeling because it does seem that the viewer is looking through an unclear window. |
Five Honourable Mentions - Any Media - $75 each
63rd Annual Members Juried Exhibition
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Interested in purchasing a painting? Click here to contact us for more information
Interested in purchasing a painting? Click here to contact us for more information