Entry Opens: Wednesday May 1, 2024
Deadline to Enter: Wednesday July 17, 2024 at Midnight
Notification of Acceptance into Show: Tuesday Aug 13, 2024 by email
Date for Delivery to Gallery: Wednesday Sept 4, 2024 10am to 3 pm
Opening and Awards Presentation: Sunday Sept 8, 2024 2pm to 4pm
Date for Pick-up of All Work: Tuesday Oct 1, 2024 10am to 3 pm
Juror: Clarence Porter
Annual Juried Show Awards
Juror’s Choice Award - Any Medium - $500 Don Maddocks Award - Best Drawing/Pastel/Print/Other - $200
Jake Mol Award for Best Watercolour - $200 Gary Chapman Award – Most Innovative - $200
Pauline Holancin Award for Best Oil - $200 Five Honourable Mentions – Any Media - $100 each
Rose Baker Award - Best Water Media/Acrylic - $200 People’s Choice Award - $100
The jurying will be completed online from submitted photos. The selection of the award-winners will be done in person.
Deadline to Enter: Wednesday July 17, 2024 at Midnight
Notification of Acceptance into Show: Tuesday Aug 13, 2024 by email
Date for Delivery to Gallery: Wednesday Sept 4, 2024 10am to 3 pm
Opening and Awards Presentation: Sunday Sept 8, 2024 2pm to 4pm
Date for Pick-up of All Work: Tuesday Oct 1, 2024 10am to 3 pm
Juror: Clarence Porter
Annual Juried Show Awards
Juror’s Choice Award - Any Medium - $500 Don Maddocks Award - Best Drawing/Pastel/Print/Other - $200
Jake Mol Award for Best Watercolour - $200 Gary Chapman Award – Most Innovative - $200
Pauline Holancin Award for Best Oil - $200 Five Honourable Mentions – Any Media - $100 each
Rose Baker Award - Best Water Media/Acrylic - $200 People’s Choice Award - $100
The jurying will be completed online from submitted photos. The selection of the award-winners will be done in person.
Co-ordination of the collection of work for delivery by other members will be made on a best effort basis.
Conditions of Entry:
1. Open to ECOAA paid-up members only.
2. The original paintings must be solely conceived and created by the submitting artist within the last 18 months. Work completed during a workshop and/or under tutelage of an instructor is ineligible. Paintings derived or based on work by another visual artist are ineligible. Works may be based on photograph(s) only if the original photograph(s) was/were taken by the submitting artist. The submitting artist must be the sole holder of copyright interest in the submitted paintings.
3. The work must not have been previously exhibited.
4. Up to two pieces may be entered. One piece width maximum including frame 48”, 2nd piece width maximum including frame 36”. The maximum height including frame is 48 “. There is space for maximum of 7 paintings larger than 36” including frame. These will be allocated on a first come basis.
Only two-dimensional work will be accepted. No photography.
5. A frame is optional. If unframed, the work must be on a gallery style support, canvas, or panel, minimum 1.5” deep with finished or painted edges.
6. Artwork must be ready to hang with a secure wire. See ECOAA’s website for details.
7. All paintings must have a label firmly attached to the back of the piece with the name of the artist, the title of the piece, the medium (oil, acrylic, watercolour, etc.) and the price. A duplicate label must be loosely attached to the front, top right-hand of the painting.
8. The Gallery provides insurance on the work while it is in the building based on the sale price entered by the artist.
9. All award winners will be notified and it is hoped they will be able to attend the Opening to receive their award.
10. The Serpa Gallery will inform the artist and ECOAA of potential purchaser’s information. The artist is responsible for completing sale, informing ECOAA and Serpa Gallery of completed sale and remitting 10% to ECOAA. Serpa Gallery does not charge a commission.
11. Entries for jurying must be made online and photos of the work submitted online with a one-page artist statement and/or CV. See our website for sizing photos. Contact Margaret McDonald if issues arise.
12. ECOAA is responsible for the hanging and display of the artwork. During the exhibition no artwork may be removed by the artist or purchaser.
13. The Gallery holds the right to photograph artwork, to own any such photographs and to reproduce it for catalogues, promotions, etc.
14. Artists agree to have ECOAA photograph and reproduce artwork for the purposes of advertising, catalogues, promotions, and placement on ECOAA’s website, newsletter, and social media.
15. A non- refundable registration flat fee of $30.00 is required.
16. Each artist may submit up to two works for jurying and hanging. Only this work is eligible for awards.
17. All art work must be for sale.
18. Your submission photo must be representative of the work being entered and that the work meets all the Conditions of Entry. ECOAA and the Jury reserve the right to reject a piece delivered to the Gallery if the piece was not fairly represented by the online photo and/or does not meet the conditions of entry or arrives damaged or otherwise, non-hangable or unsaleable.
19. There will not be a Flat Rack at the 2024 AJS.
Juried Show Chair: Margaret McDonald [email protected] 905-550-5465
We are looking for volunteers for the take-in, drop-off, hanging and pick-up at the Gallery.
Contact: Margaret McDonald if you have questions, want to drop-off work near Hastings or are interested in helping with the show.
Work may be shipped ahead of time to: Judy Clark, 98 Carnrike Rd. Consecon K0K 1T0 Please call 613-503-1141 to confirm. It must be properly wrapped and easily rewrapped for return. The artist is responsible for shipping.
Conditions of Entry:
1. Open to ECOAA paid-up members only.
2. The original paintings must be solely conceived and created by the submitting artist within the last 18 months. Work completed during a workshop and/or under tutelage of an instructor is ineligible. Paintings derived or based on work by another visual artist are ineligible. Works may be based on photograph(s) only if the original photograph(s) was/were taken by the submitting artist. The submitting artist must be the sole holder of copyright interest in the submitted paintings.
3. The work must not have been previously exhibited.
4. Up to two pieces may be entered. One piece width maximum including frame 48”, 2nd piece width maximum including frame 36”. The maximum height including frame is 48 “. There is space for maximum of 7 paintings larger than 36” including frame. These will be allocated on a first come basis.
Only two-dimensional work will be accepted. No photography.
5. A frame is optional. If unframed, the work must be on a gallery style support, canvas, or panel, minimum 1.5” deep with finished or painted edges.
6. Artwork must be ready to hang with a secure wire. See ECOAA’s website for details.
7. All paintings must have a label firmly attached to the back of the piece with the name of the artist, the title of the piece, the medium (oil, acrylic, watercolour, etc.) and the price. A duplicate label must be loosely attached to the front, top right-hand of the painting.
8. The Gallery provides insurance on the work while it is in the building based on the sale price entered by the artist.
9. All award winners will be notified and it is hoped they will be able to attend the Opening to receive their award.
10. The Serpa Gallery will inform the artist and ECOAA of potential purchaser’s information. The artist is responsible for completing sale, informing ECOAA and Serpa Gallery of completed sale and remitting 10% to ECOAA. Serpa Gallery does not charge a commission.
11. Entries for jurying must be made online and photos of the work submitted online with a one-page artist statement and/or CV. See our website for sizing photos. Contact Margaret McDonald if issues arise.
12. ECOAA is responsible for the hanging and display of the artwork. During the exhibition no artwork may be removed by the artist or purchaser.
13. The Gallery holds the right to photograph artwork, to own any such photographs and to reproduce it for catalogues, promotions, etc.
14. Artists agree to have ECOAA photograph and reproduce artwork for the purposes of advertising, catalogues, promotions, and placement on ECOAA’s website, newsletter, and social media.
15. A non- refundable registration flat fee of $30.00 is required.
16. Each artist may submit up to two works for jurying and hanging. Only this work is eligible for awards.
17. All art work must be for sale.
18. Your submission photo must be representative of the work being entered and that the work meets all the Conditions of Entry. ECOAA and the Jury reserve the right to reject a piece delivered to the Gallery if the piece was not fairly represented by the online photo and/or does not meet the conditions of entry or arrives damaged or otherwise, non-hangable or unsaleable.
19. There will not be a Flat Rack at the 2024 AJS.
Juried Show Chair: Margaret McDonald [email protected] 905-550-5465
We are looking for volunteers for the take-in, drop-off, hanging and pick-up at the Gallery.
Contact: Margaret McDonald if you have questions, want to drop-off work near Hastings or are interested in helping with the show.
Work may be shipped ahead of time to: Judy Clark, 98 Carnrike Rd. Consecon K0K 1T0 Please call 613-503-1141 to confirm. It must be properly wrapped and easily rewrapped for return. The artist is responsible for shipping.

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